Point of contact: Institute of Chemical Technology Mumbai
Contact: [email protected]
Website or Portfolio: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.ictmumbai.edu.in/emp_profiledetail.aspx?nDeptID%3Diq&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1716632633352231&usg=AOvVaw2ElTdoq7p9BtAfijFgIFmh
Background: Professor at department of food engineering and technology.Cold Plasma for food processing, Plant Gums- Chemistry and Technology, Extrusion processing – process and product development, Drying and dehydration of foods, Frying - chemistry and technology, Nutraceuticals – chemistry, technology and product development, Carbohydrates - chemistry and technology of minor grains and tubers, Traditional foods, Product and technology development, Enzyme applications in food processing, Downstream processing of enzymes, antioxidants, antibiotics and biomolecules
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August 15, 2024