Point of contact: ICMR/ NIN
Contact: [email protected]
Website or Portfolio: https://www.nin.res.in/scientistprofiles/DR.G.MARUTHI_SUBBA_RAO.html
Background: SubbaRao M. Gavaravarapu, Scientist 'F' and Head of Nutrition Information, Communication & Health Education (NICHE) at ICMR NIN, is a prominent figure in nutrition communication and health education. He spearheads the e-dialogue series for the 'Let’sFixOurFood' consortium, focusing on adolescent food environments. With extensive experience, he develops Health Communication Programs for ICMR scientists, scripts and directs educational films on nutrition and food safety, and authors articles in esteemed publications. Dr. Gavaravarapu conducts numerous nutrition and health awareness programs, coordinates WHO's Southeast Asia Nutrition Research-cum-Action Network, and teaches nutrition communication at various institutes. He also serves on expert committees of regulatory bodies like FSSAI and Bureau of Indian Standards, enhancing public health through his multidisciplinary contributions.
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August 15, 2024